Jim Hummel Rhode Island Spot Light - The Ripple Effect
July 15, 2019
Over the past three years a new approach to fighting drunk driving has played out online and on Rhode Island’s airwaves. The Ripple Effect and Beyond the Crash - a series of commercials that takes a deeper look into those affected by drunk driving crashes - are deliberately uncomfortable to watch, with stories about how the tragedies have left an indelible mark on those involved. This month Jim Hummel speaks with the crew that created and produced the commercials, as well as the director of the Rhode Island Department of Transportation, which is financing the campaign, about the effect of the public service announcements.
Smithfield High School Students Reminded About Dangers of Drunk Driving in Emotional Assembly
June 04, 2019
Judging by the student’s respectful attention to White’s hour-long presentation, her personal message against drunk driving and wisdom about living a happier life resonated with the teens in attendance. When asked if she finds it hard to connect with today’s youth, she tells me that she has never found that to be a challenge. “No matter what age you are we all just want the same thing, and that is to be treated with respect. Throughout my presentation I never tell anyone what to do,” concludes White. “I hope they got something out of the presentation, and I was able to help at least one student today.”
Drunken driving, vaping dangers stressed to Portsmouth teens
April 10, 2019
Rebecca White, who was 14 years old at the time, survived the crash on Oct. 29, 1999, on Route 4 in East Greenwich; the Bristol resident now works as a motivational speaker and program coordinator for Youth Force, a leadership program led by the Rhode Island Police Chiefs Association and supported by the state Department of Transportation.

Speaker promotes 'power of forgiveness,' positive choices during Prout appearance
November 16, 2017
The Prout School's Students Against Destructive Decisions, or SADD, group hosted Rebecca Bowman White for a presentation Tuesday focused on overcoming tragedy and finding ways to live a positive, happy life.

STRIVE offers head start on leadership
April 11, 2017
White told the group of students that freeing your heart from hatred — forgiveness — is one of five simple guidelines to living a happier life. Her presentation on these guidelines was one of several given at the conference, which aimed to educate the youth advisory board's younger peers on social issues impacting teenagers.